
Anime Heat!!!~

Posted by yue | 9/03/2008 01:11:00 PM | 2 comments »

Yo Pipz!!!Photobucket

Hehehe, it's been a long time since my post here. Hahahaha!!! Hehehe, anyway maybe some of you already knows that I went to our org's first anime event, held last Aug. 17, 08. Our group or organization's name by the way is Ani-Ma Kyoukai, which is a non-profit and non-stake organization. with a dream of achieving anime excellence by pulling together the three archipelagos to a widespread national group distributing knowledge and more anime in the industry. Our main goal is to recruit all anime enthusiasts at any age to interact with fellow anime lovers and to unite ourselves as we continue to grow larger with other anime organizations in the Philippines. *source: animakyoukai's multiply*

The "Anime Heat" event also comprimises of Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament, Art Exhibition and Artist Alley, Henna Tatooing and face patinting, Anime Merchandise Trading, Surprise Games, and also my faves which are the Manga Drawing Contest, On-the-Spot Drawing Contest and also the Sing-A-Like contest, where each contestant can sing one of their fave OST from any anime title... *Doro Darake Rolling Star... Woohoo!!! Promote Yui Fever!!!*Photobucket

Anyway, here are some of the pics on that event!Photobucket

More of these pics at my friendster account, y'all can just grab it if y'all have my friendster account that is. Lol... Just Kidding~ Photobucket

Just an Update~

Posted by yue | 8/04/2008 03:50:00 PM | 0 comments »

Hmm... It's been a while since my last post herePhotobucket... Hehehe, okay enough with the intro.Photobucket Yosh! Here goes!Photobucket

After a month and a half of waiting, and a week of sleepless nights due to excitement... Hohohoho!!! At last, on July 14, 08 ... I finally got my Oui Tour Concert Goodies which was sent to me by my bro via LBC, and... OMG!!! The goodies is just so awesome! And I really can't believe that I finally have it and its fresh from Japan!!! Hahaha, this is a dream come true for me.Photobucket

Here are the pics of my tour goodies:


Mobile Strap

Oui TShirt


*Hehehe, I'm just going to use kuya's pic here, coz I don't want to damage the poster, because I've already posted it in my bedroom wall. HehehePhotobucket

Yui - Oui I Loved Yesterday Tour Goodies Group Pic

Hehehe, my next post will be is to show here my costume for the upcoming anime event.Photobucket

Ja ne! take care y'all!!! Wu...Wang!~
